Gluten free shopping
In Finland, you can find gluten-free cereal products in all supermarkets and grocery stores. This includes a variety of items such as bread, crackers, crispbread, biscuits, breakfast cereals, and cakes. The range and stock of these products might change based on the store's size, customer demand, and other factors. You can also find fresh gluten-free bread and pastries.
While shopping, look out for these products either on dedicated gluten-free shelves or right next to their regular, gluten-containing equivalents. This makes it easier to find the gluten-free version of your favorite foods.
Look out for the Crossed Grain Symbol
When shopping for gluten-free products, keep an eye out for the Crossed Grain Symbol. This symbol on the packaging assures you that the item is gluten-free. Additionally, some products might be labeled with "gluteeniton," which means gluten-free in Finnish.
It's important to note that labeling products with the Crossed Grain Symbol or the "gluteeniton" tag isn't mandatory for manufacturers. While many choose to label their products clearly, there are also numerous items suitable for those with coeliac disease that might not carry these specific labels.
Furthermore, Finland offers a wide selection of international gluten-free products. For a comprehensive list of available brands and products, you can visit our website, where everything is conveniently listed in Finnish, making it easier for you to identify gluten-free options.

Eating out in Finland
In Finland, enjoying a gluten-free meal at restaurants is typically straightforward. Many dining establishments use menu symbols to show which dishes can be made gluten-free. Plus, menus are often available in English, making it easier for international visitors.
Helpful Finnish Words and Phrases for Gluten-Free Dining
Here's a handy list of Finnish terms and phrases that could be useful when you're eating out:
- Coeliac disease: Keliakia
- I have coeliac disease: Minulla on keliakia.
- I cannot eat wheat, rye, barley, or oats: En voi syödä vehnää, ruista, ohraa tai kauraa.
- I have coeliac disease and have to follow a gluten-free diet: Sairastan keliakiaa ja noudatan gluteenitonta ruokavaliota.
- Does this food contain wheat, rye, barley, or oats?: Sisältääkö tämä ruoka vehnää, ohraa, ruista tai kauraa?
- Without sauce, please: Ilman kastiketta, kiitos.
- Thank you for your help: Kiitos avusta.
Quick Translations:
- Gluten-free: Gluteeniton
- Wheat starch: Vehnätärkkelys
- Oat: Kaura
These phrases can help you communicate your dietary needs effectively while exploring Finnish cuisine, ensuring a safe and enjoyable dining experience
Short translation of gluten free diet in Finnish
You can download the language translation in PDF format and print it to take with you on your trip. Download PDF
In English
I have coeliac disease. I have to follow a strict gluten free diet. I cannot eat even small amounts of wheat, rye, barley, oats or foods containing them.
Could you please tell me which dishes are gluten free?
My food must be prepared carefully to ensure that no wheat, barley, rye or oats gets mixed in the food from cooking utensils or surfaces, for example.
Thank you for your help.
In Finnish
Minulla on keliakia. Minun täytyy noudattaa tarkkaa gluteenitonta ruokavaliota. En voi syödä pieniäkään määriä vehnää, ruista, ohraa, kauraa tai niitä sisältäviä ruokia.
Voisitteko kertoa, mitkä ruoka-annokset ovat gluteenittomia?
Ruokani täytyy valmistaa huolellisesti siten, ettei ruokaan sekoitu vehnää, ohraa, ruista tai kauraa, esimerkiksi työvälineistä tai pinnoilta.
Kiitos avustanne.
Eating out Symbol.
The Finnish Coeliac Society introduced the "Eating Out Symbol" (Gluteenittoman palvelun merkki) to simplify gluten-free dining experiences. This symbol, displayed on a restaurant's door, menu, or website, indicates that the establishment specializes in offering safe, gluten-free options. When you see this symbol, you can feel confident in the restaurant's expertise in handling gluten-free meals.
The presence of the symbol assures customers that the establishment is committed to providing reliable gluten-free dining. It’s a sign of the restaurant's dedication to catering to the needs of individuals requiring gluten-free diets.
Currently, various national coeliac societies across Europe use different symbols. The Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS) is working towards establishing a unified service symbol to be recognized all over Europe in the future.
For a restaurant to display the Eating Out Symbol, it must undergo comprehensive online training, complete specific tests, and pass audits. The cornerstone of qualifying for this symbol is maintaining a meticulous in-house control plan, ensuring the safe preparation of gluten-free meals. Not all items served need to be gluten-free, but the safe options should be clearly indicated.
To discover establishments that have been awarded the Eating Out Symbol, visit the Finnish Coeliac Society's website, where you can find a list of these businesses in Finnish. This resource is invaluable for finding trusted venues where you can enjoy gluten-free meals without worry.

Pharmaceuticals and gluten
In Finland, the pharmaceutical industry ensures the safety of its products for individuals with gluten sensitivities by avoiding the use of gluten-containing cereals. Instead of wheat, rye, or barley, they commonly use alternative substances like maize (corn) and potato starch, which are gluten-free and safe for those with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance.
It's important to note, however, that some fiber supplements available on the market is made or may contain wheat or oat fiber. They are not classified as medications and are usually clearly labeled, allowing individuals to make informed choices based on their dietary needs. Always check the labels if you're looking to stay completely gluten-free.